
Модель Производитель Упаковка Метод упаковки Количество в упаковке (мин.) Описание Получить предложение
MCP41HV51T-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 2500 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 256, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 1
MCP41100-E/P MICROCHIP PDIP-8 TAPE 1000 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 256, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 1
MCP45HV51T-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 2500 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 256, Interface type: I2C, Number of channels: 1
MCP45HV51-104E/MQ MICROCHIP VQFN-20(5x5) TAPE 73 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 256, Interface type: I2C, Number of channels: 1
MCP45HV51-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 96 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 256, Interface type: I2C, Number of channels: 1
MCP4341-104E/ML MICROCHIP QFN-20-EP(4x4) TAPE 91 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4341-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-20 TAPE 74 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4331T-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-20 TAPE 2500 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4331-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-20 TAPE 1000 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4342T-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 2500 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4331T-104E/ML MICROCHIP QFN-20-EP(4x4) TAPE 3300 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4331-104E/ML MICROCHIP QFN-20-EP(4x4) TAPE 1000 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4342-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 96 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 4
MCP4231T-104E/SL MICROCHIP SOIC-14 TAPE 2600 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4231T-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 2500 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4232-104E/UN MICROCHIP MSOP-10 TAPE 100 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4231T-104E/ML MICROCHIP QFN-16-EP(4x4) TAPE 3300 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4231-104E/ML MICROCHIP QFN-16-EP(4x4) TAPE 91 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4231-104E/ST MICROCHIP TSSOP-14 TAPE 96 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2
MCP4231-104E/P MICROCHIP PDIP-14 TAPE 30 Resistance value (ohm): 100kΩ, Number of taps: 129, Interface type: SPI, Number of channels: 2